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All you need to know about E-way Bill under GST.

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What is an e-way bill?

An e-way bill is a way bill generated in the GSTN website which shall serve as a documentary evidence of goods transportation. You are required to generate an e-way bill mandatorily if you are transferring goods more then worth 50,000/-

It can be generated online and even through SMS and it should be available with seller, buyer and transporter.


When should someone generate an e-way bill?


E-way bill should be generated before commencement of movement of goods. Information relating to the goods being transported should be furnished in Part A of the prescribed Form EWB -01.


This form is required to be generated online electronically on GST portal. Some software like Tally are also under way developing it electronically within their software. Part – B of Form EWB -01 is to be generated in case seller is a consignor or the receiver is a consignee.

If E-way bill is not generated in case of consignment based sale then the registered person is required to fill part Part-B of FORM GST EWB-01 on the common portal mentioning details of transporter. Then the transporter will generate e-way bill on the basis of the information furnished by the registered person in Part A of FORM GST EWB-01.


No E-way bill generation required if you are transporting goods to the transporter for further movement and the distance between you and transporter is less then ten kilometers.


Now, assuming you are a registered entity then

  • When you are supplying goods to some other person.

  • There is movement of goods even when there is no supply of goods.

  • If you are buying goods from unregistered person then you are suppose to generate an e-way bill.

What could you considered as ‘supply’ in case of E-way bill. These are the situation where you are suppose to generate e-way bills.

In a laymans language, E-way bill shall be generated in any case of movement of goods.

  • A supply made for consideration in course of business

  • A supply made for consideration even if it is not related to your business

  • A supply without consideration so it may include just exchange of goods or gifts of goods. Thus it includes branch transfers also if you are transferring goods from one branch to another. It also includes transfer where you get something in exchange.

Are you required to generate an e-way bill?

If you are supplying goods worth more than 50,000/- and you are supplying goods to or taking it from another registered dealer. It is mandatory after threshold limit of Rs. 50,000/- however if you want to generate for a smaller amount then also you are allowed to generate so.

Unregistered persons or their transporters may also choose to generate an e-way bill. This means than an e-way bill can be generated by both registered and unregistered persons.


However, where a supply is made by an unregistered person to a registered person, the receiver will have to ensure all the compliances are met as if they were the supplier.

What if  multiple consignments are intended to be transported in one conveyance ?

In such case, the transporter may indicate the serial number of e-way bills generated in respect of each such consignment electronically on the common portal and a consolidated e-way bill in FORM

GST EWB-02 maybe generated by him on the said common portal prior to the movement of goods.


What of you have generated an E-way bill but then there is no transportation of goods?


Then the e-way bill may be cancelled within 24 hours of generation of such bill however no cancellation is allowed if such E-way bill has been verified in transit as per provisions of rule 138B.


How long will the E-way bill stay valid after generation?

 It will be valid for one day per 100 km. If you are transporting goods for distance upto 100 km then it will be valid for one day. For 200 km then it should be two days.

It can be increased by prior approval of Commissioner.

 One day shall be equal to 24 hours and it will be counted from the time it was generated.

If generated in one state, it shall remain valid for all the states for its validity period.


Are there exceptions where we donot have to generate the e-way bill.

Yes, Firstly there is the threshold limit of 50,000/-

Also, no e-way bill is required to be generated—


(a) where the goods being transported are specified in Annexure;(found at the end

      of document)

(b) where the goods are being transported by a non-motorised conveyance;

(c) where the goods are being transported from the port, airport, air cargo

     complex and land  customs station to an inland container depot or a container

     freight station for clearance by  customs; and

(d) in respect of movement of goods within such areas as are notified under

      clause (d) of sub-rule (14) of rule 138 of the Goods and Services Tax Rules of

      the concerned State.

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