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Can a composition scheme dealer start its own website and sell it online in the same state?

GST Registrations and GST return Filings

Hi there,

Based on your question , I can very well assume that you already know a composition dealer cannot make interstate supply (i.e. supply outside state)

I think there is no harm in having own website and going for within state supplies.

You need to take care of these points :-

  1. You however cannot have a gateway to accept address other then your own state address.
  2. Should mention properly that you are a composition dealer along with fulfilling all the compliance.
  3. The website has to be of your own. You cannot list yourself in market places such as amazon, Flipkart or indiamart etc.
  4. You have to maintain list of all the orders so as to justify that you have not supplied anything outside state.
  5. At the end, despite following all this, department may take a contrary view to impose tax on various grounds such as hiding the outside state supply. You have to then submit all the proofs that you are not guilty.

Why not get registered regularly instead :

  1. Composition will have heavy compliance in the coming years when all the provisions will be duly enacted.
  2. Composition reduces the pace of your growth as slowly businesses’ are preferring registered dealers giving them input credits.
  3. Why restrict to state when you can supply pan India. you only need to change the address in the parcel.
  4. The incremental Compliance cost of being a regular dealer will be very less compared to the profits you will be earning.
  5. You can then also sell on Amazon and other marketplaces.
  6. Free from all worries and procure materials from everywhere.

We at Business Helpers can help you with all steps to get converted from composition to regular dealer and can have a detailed discussion about the benefits.

Visit our website Business Helpers | Accountants, GST, and Income Tax Consultants, or contact us at for more discussions.

Hope this Helps.

Still having doubts? Comment your query Below or Write your query to us at rohit@businesshelpers and we will try to resolve it for Free.

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Business Helpers is a group of professionals registered in name of Taxopine Accoutifile LLP. As the name suggests, It is involved in providing Taxation Help, Tax opinions, Accounting, and Filing Services. The Filing Services Include GST Registrations and GST Return filing, Income Tax returns, TDS returns, and Other Tax returns filings. We help our clients from starting their businesses to successfully managing it enabling their growth and success.

Our aim to prove the best services at the most affordable cost. We are a group of dedicated professionals, qualified and experienced visioning towards a more compliant India.

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